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Elvira Sergeevna Korgueva — composer, pianist, laureate of all -Russian and international competitions, scholarship holder of the President of Russia, the holder of the 6th prizes of the Governor of the Rostov Region, a member of the Russian Musical Union, a member of the Assembly of Evurasa, a member of various forums and festivals: Taurida, Echo Tavrida, The World Festival of Youth and Students and others. In 2014 she graduated from RGK named after S.V. Rachmaninova (class. Prof. V.S. Khodosh), in 2016 an assistant-style. During her studies, I gained the skills of playing at all musical instruments of the symphonic orchestra, including harp and timpani. Winner of diplomas: XVI Open Competition of Composers. A.P. Petrova (Russia, St. Petersburg-2022), the All-Russian contest of young composers “Mari” (Russia, Moscow-2020), the VII International Competition of Composers and Arrangers named after I.O. Dunaevsky (Russia, Moskav — 2021), Time Pad Composers contest “Improklassik — 2019” (Moscow), laureate of the I Prize of the VI International Competition among musicians Grand Music Art (Moscow, 2019), laureate of the I Prize of the Correspondence International Competition Golden Time Germany (Kent, England), diploma of the All -Russian open competition of composers Piano & Piano (Petrozavodsk, 2019) and others. The composer has written more than 50 works in various genres, including: Ballet “Dance with me or a ghostly date”, a concert for a violin with an orchestra, a piano concert, more than 20 works of chamber instrumental music. But obvious preference is given to vocal music — romances and songs in Russian and on the original texts of German, Italian and French poets. The works of the young composer are included in the repertoire of soloists and performing compositions both in Russia and abroad.