

You should start with the thesis “brand” itself. The word is absolutely English, but in our time it is very important not to synthesize “overseas” words, but rather to remember our own and “popularize”. Let’s start with the translation of the very concept of a brand and, accordingly, my expert activities. Brand — (in other words) marque. A wonderful word that is widely used in everyday life, but, undoubtedly, among creative people it is more common to call their developments as a brand. I am an expert in the field of audiovisual production and innovation in the field of modern film picture, sound in music and word in media — CEO of Vernov Producion & ACKA Music in Paris, co-president of the Center for Adaptation, Socialization and Integration of Artists in France » opening soon in Russia. Building a personal brand is not easy these days. There are many criteria by which the level of a brand in a particular field of activity is determined. The very definition of TM (trademark) is developed and originates from the personality of a creative person, who, most importantly, should represent what value in art: music — musicians, vocalists; soloists or groups; dance — dancers and dancers; in the cinema — actors, directors, screenwriters. Paintings — artists. Sculptors. Architects. Even producers today make brands out of themselves. One of the first in the modern world at the beginning of the “web 1” era, launching a music or film project under the trademark of this project, launched products that can be correctly called “everything in a row” — from pens and mugs to events. I will not name names, since we are talking in general about creating and promoting a personal brand of a creative person, and the first, if it is already clear that you must be a person absolutely different from everyone else, then the second is to remain interesting to the public and on today it is becoming more and more difficult, as rude PR goes into decline along with the web 2 era — the accessible Internet has overshadowed the existence of so many brands, so now you should pay attention to the legalization of your brand / brand and should do this at the third stage of creation your ™️. Come up with a catchy name for yourself, create a logo according to all the parameters of today’s standards, and there are a lot of standards, but in general everything resembles either a coat of arms or a flag — all this is called a logo. And now comes the most important question for creating a personal brand for creative units, and what do you sell — promote? The sale or, as it is fashionable to say, the distribution of cultural goods is complicated by copyrights, and in many countries it has long been impossible to sell your tracks directly on the Internet, and investing in records is becoming absolutely unprofitable, what now? If you do not have your own TV channel, then you will be at an endless loss and looking for new investments and sponsors in projects that will eventually be freely available on the Internet and you, as an author, will at best receive small dividends from fees, even if you on a good average popularity. What to do? There is only one answer — a business plan, which is also the structural development and organization of your business. Only the development of a long painstaking plan will help creative people today not drive themselves into a long depression. It is necessary to know the market and so many factors, sometimes these developments take many years, but only those who achieve the goal make their brands successful. Good luck if you’re already on your way. Those who have decided to set such goals for themselves by reading this article, I will continue. It is not always appropriate to say “go to school” in order to achieve your goals, because, as practice shows, people with a lower school score achieved better results, because the score does not always determine the level of IQ. “In order to create a world around you, you yourself must become a world for others.” This is my personal formula, which helps me personally, but it’s not a fact that it won’t help you either. Creating business projects is a complex and long process, as I said, but it is he who will help you find your formula, according to which you will lead your creative brand, giving it clear time conditions and workflow. How developed are the stages of business projects in Russia today, I, frankly, will not be surprised that Russia is among the top ten countries in terms of opportunities, but, unfortunately, not yet in terms of implementation, because export statistics are growing poorly and there is no need to blame the sanctions of the “overseas old men” “, here are the problems of Russian marketing — in practice, it is rather weak, unless of course we sell pipes for metal structures and a tractor, here we are strong and marketing is not needed much, here the products themselves speak for themselves. But in the field of culture, we are far behind, the times of the “Mighty Handful” have gone along with the emigration of experts, which is sad in itself, but not a reason to be sad, because so many are returning in order to breathe into Russia these missing elements of marketing for the triumph of justice. If you are a young artist and ready to present your hits to the world, you need associates just like you. You need to support each other and find your new innovative marketing line. The old men and pros from this area will help you in this, those who lived abroad and know the intricacies from the inside will be especially good — you need such strategic intelligence to create a promotion plan and most importantly, your TALENT! They used to say that 10% of talent and 90% of diligence… remember? So nothing has changed, only now you still need to find somewhere 90% of the talent in plus in order to thunder all over the world. To be honest, it’s high time to give birth to a world star from Russia, so much so that everyone breaks their heads later. We have strong leaders and now is the time for a cultural revolution in the world of art and creativity. Without false modesty, the Russians are capable of absolutely all the coolest ideas, it is important to present them correctly, wisely.


Characteristics of creating and promoting a personal brand for artists. Vernov Production & AKKA Music in association CASIdAF & BRUCEF

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